KAUST Ph.D candidate’s abstract selected for 2018 ISSCR Travel Award

11 July, 2020

We’re glad to announce that the abstract “AN ISOGENIC WISKOTT-ALDRICH SYNDROME IPSC MODEL REVEALS NOVEL ROLES OF WASP IN CANCER PREDISPOSITION ”  by Xuan Zhou, Ph.D candidate in KAUST Stem cell and Regeneration laboratory (Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division) has been selected for the ISSCR Travel Award for the 2018 ISSCR Annual Meeting in Melbourne, Australia.

The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) is an independent nonprofit organization and the voice of the stem cell research community. The organization’s mission is to promote and foster the exchange and dissemination of information and ideas relating to stem cells, to encourage the general field of research involving stem cells, and to promote professional and public education in all areas of stem cell research and application. The 2018 ISSCR Meeting will attract more than 3.5k attendees and over than 180 speakers from all over the world. More information can be found on the website